Personal Injury Attorney and Auto Accidents

Should you hire a personal injury attorney after an auto accident?

While there is no specific deadline or guideline when or if you should hire a personal injury attorney you should engage with one as soon as possible. Even a minor 5 MPH collision could result in back, neck, and spine pain. Personal injury attorneys should have the experience to evaluate your claim and inform you what type of personal injury claim you may have. They can also help you interpret the medical records you obtain from your physician, ensuring that you are receiving the best care and attention for your injuries, while recovering the best settlement for your past and future medical expenses.

Insurance representatives will try to minimize the amounts that their companies pay out in personal injury claims. They will often try to get you to make statements that may potentially be harmful to your claim. Therefore, it is best to consult with a personal injury attorney before you make a recorded statement, provide an insurance represented your medical records, or sign a release.

Pain, frustration, anger, and even fear may impact your ability to see the facts of your case clearly. In most situations, in order to obtain a fast payment, you may end up making a rash decision. However, your personal injury attorney will help you evaluate your case from an objective view and provide advice that in your best interest for a more appropriate settlement.

The amount of compensation you ultimately receive for your injuries largely depends on how severe your injuries are. Insurance companies measure the severity of your injuries by the type of injuries you sustained, the amount of your medical bills you incurred, and the length of your recovery time. As the amount of your potential compensation increases, the more likely you are to reach the policy limits of the at-fault party’s insurance policy. If this is the case, the insurance company may only be able to pay you a fraction of what you deserve. In these types of cases, you should hire a personal injury lawyer to make sure you receive the total amount of compensation to which you are entitled.

If you sustained serious injuries in an accident that will require long-term care or left you with permanent disabilities, you should hire a personal injury lawyer immediately. Moreover, figuring out how your injuries will impact your earning capacity over time can be difficult and generally requires expert assistance. To get the most out of your personal injury claim or lawsuit, you need a lawyer who can pursue all available forms of compensation for your injuries and other losses.

What if I can’t afford legal representation?

The vast majority of plaintiff’s-side personal injury attorneys will work under a contingency agreement. The attorney’s fees will be paid when the claim is resolved in your favor.

How long do I have to pursue a personal injury claim?

Under the California Code of Civil Procedure Section 335.1, there is a two-year deadline for filing a personal injury claim, which starts on the date of the incident.

If your claim involves a government entity, there is a government tort claim filing requirement within 6 months. We recommend you consult an attorney as soon as possible so that you do not miss any potential claims and receive guidance and help in handling your injury claims and medical treatment.

If you have been injured in an auto accident and wish to pursue a claim, please contact our office for further inquiries: (213) 351-3513 or [email protected]

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