Common Injuries When Pedestrian is Struck by a Car

We all are aware that wearing a seatbelt while riding in a vehicle is one of the most important steps, we can take to protect ourselves in a collision. The seatbelt holds you in the car so it can offer you protection and serve as a buffer. As a pedestrian, however, you do not have this safety feature. You have nothing surrounding you to provide protection, so when a pedestrian is hit by a vehicle, an injury of some type will occur. Below are examples of common injuries resulting from a pedestrian being struck by a vehicle:

  • Broken bones. When a pedestrian is hit by a vehicle, they are most likely going to be thrown to the ground. Depending on the speed the vehicle is traveling, the impact can cause mild to serious injuries. It is common for a pedestrian to suffer a broken bone or multiple broken bones in an accident. The severity of a broken bone can range from being in a cast or other form of brace for several weeks to having to undergo surgery. In extremely severe cases, a broken bone can result in the victim having a limp, disfigurement or chronic pain. In addition to medical bills, suffering a broken bone often results in lost time from work, the inability to drive temporarily and other damages.
  • Bruises and scrapes. When you think about bruising and scrapes, you probably think of minor injuries that can be easily treated. However, severe lacerations can leave permanent scarring, or you may have to deal with infections. It is important to properly treat these types of injuries, so they do not develop into more serious injuries.
  • Neck or head injuries. Head trauma is common when a pedestrian is struck by a car. Concussions can occur if you strike your head on the concrete, curb, or even the car’s fender. Depending on where the vehicle

struck you and how you landed, a serious brain injury could also occur. If you experience symptoms such as blurred vision, nausea, headaches, dizziness, or you are unusually tired, you need to seek medical attention to determine if you have suffered a brain injury.

There are a variety of other types of injuries that can occur when a pedestrian is struck by a vehicle, including damage to internal organs, back injuries or other potentially serious injuries that lead to death.

If you have been involved in an accident and suffered an injury, the most important action you can take is to obtain medical attention. Once proper medical treatment is underway, the next step is to seek legal help. You do not have to face the expenses alone. Contact the Law Office of Alex Cha & Associates to make sure you are protected legally.

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