When you think of a burn injury, you may not think of it as a personal injury resulting from another party’s negligence. However, many types of accidents can cause burn injuries that require medical attention.

Types of Burn Injuries

The most common type of burn injury is caused by an open flame or extremely hot surface. A burn injury can also be caused by electrocution or exposure to hazardous chemicals. The source of the injury is important for determining how to treat the burn injury, so it is important to inform your medical provider as quickly as possible how the injury occurred.

Severities of Burn Injuries

According to the Mayo Clinic, burn symptoms can vary depending on how deep the skin has been damaged. The signs of a severe burn can take a day or two to develop, so it is important to keep a close eye on any burn injury. Below are the three severities of burn injuries:

  • 1st degree burn is a minor burn injury that has only impacted the outer layer of the skin causing redness and sensitivity. Basic first aid typically is sufficient, and the injury should heal.
  • 2nd degree burn affects both the outer layer and the second layer of the skin. Painful blisters, scars and infection may result. Medical attention should be sought.
  • 3rd degree burn is dangerous and potentially life-threatening if medical attention is not given immediately. The burn reaches to the fat layer under the skin. The victim may have numbness due to nerves being destroyed and the burned area can appear black, brown or white.

There are 4th, 5th and 6th degree burn categories, but they are not considered survivable.

Liability for Burn Injuries

Once you have determined the severity of your burn injury, the attorneys at the Office of Alex Cha & Associates can help you prove who is liable for your damages. Our attorneys will investigate the source of your injury, who is responsible and let the insurance companies know that your rights to compensation will be protected. Contact our office today and let us help you recover the full and fair compensation you are entitled to for your damages suffered.

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