Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid After a Dog Bite

Most people would agree that there are few things better than receiving the love of a dog. Dogs provide emotional and physical support that can significantly improve a person’s quality of life. However, like humans, dogs have their own personalities. Not all canines are friendly and loving. Delivery or postal workers and children are the most likely individuals to be bitten by a dog, but it can happen to anyone. Below are 5 common mistakes to avoid if you or your loved one is injured by a dog bite:

  • Failure to Seek Medical Attention
    Many victims of dog bites do not seek medical care, which can lead to the exacerbation of your injuries. This is particularly true if the dog has rabies or other diseases. You should have a dog bit immediately treated by a medical professional so you are certain you are informed of the extent of your injury as well as taken the precautions to prevent any further complications from it.
  • Failure to Call the Police
    Most dog bite victims are reluctant to contact the police, especially if they know the dog’s owner. However, a call to the police creates an official record, even if there is no blame or liability assigned to a party. Additionally, the police will take statements regarding the incident, which may be useful later, especially if litigation occurs.
  • Failure to Take Photos
    A dog bite can be minor in its severity or it can cause life-long complications. Pictures should be taken of the injury, the dog, the scene of the incident, and anything else that may be relevant. If the damage caused by the dog bite worsens as time passes, you should take daily pictures to document the extent of your injury. Photos are a valuable type of evidence and can help your personal injury attorney significantly in proving your damages.
  • Failure to have your Attorney Speak to the Insurance Company
    Don’t make the mistake of believing the insurance company is looking out for your best interests. Most insurance agents are striving to save the insurance company as much money as possible, which means they will try to settle your claim as cheaply as possible. The insurance agent will likely record all conversations with you and attempt to use what you say against you. For example, if you are telling your side of the story and you state that you stepped toward the dog, they can use these words to make it look like you were being aggressive toward the dog. Thus, it is important to have your attorney assist you in speaking with the insurance company.
  • Failure to Retain a Lawyer
    A dog bite can result in significant damages, so it is important to ensure that your rights are protected. Working with an experienced attorney can increase your chances of recouping your lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, and emotional distress. You should not have to bear any of the costs resulting from a dog bite.

If you or a loved one are the victim of a dog bite in the Los Angeles area, contact the Law Office of Alex Cha & Associates today. We are experienced in handling dog bite cases and we will work to obtain the full and fair compensation you deserve for your injuries.

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